Anyone who has ever had a tooth replaced by a crown knows it can be a pretty painful process. Also, it is necessary to know the best foods to eat and the ones to avoid after getting a tooth crown.
When a dentist places a crown, the survival rate of that tooth, known as pulp vitality, increases significantly. That means the patient is less likely to lose the tooth.
In a study conducted by the National Library of Medicine, more than 84% of the cases studied showed no significant signs of necrosis (tooth decay/death) after 10 years. The survival rate after 15 years decreased slightly to just over 81%.
For these results, a person must properly care for their teeth after crown placement. This article covers what foods are best to eat after a crown and which to avoid.
What is a Tooth Crown and Why are They Necessary?
A tooth crown is a cap made of porcelain, metal, or both. Crowns firmly cover the tooth and meet the gum line. It is usually cemented to the existing tooth. However, if it is permanent, bonding the crown to the tooth and gums becomes necessary.
People require a crown if their tooth has decayed beyond a simple filling repair. A dental crown may also be necessary if a tooth has been broken or damaged due to injury.
There are also temporary crowns. A dentist will place a temporary crown before setting a permanent one. Dentists also place temporary crowns for the following reasons:
- To assess if a crown is an appropriate treatment
- To maintain proper spacing between teeth
- To limit tooth and gum sensitivity
- To protect the natural tooth or implant site
Best Foods to Eat After Getting a Crown
Whether a patient has a temporary or permanent crown, there are specific foods they should eat that will not damage the crown. Here is a list of the best foods to eat after getting a crown:
Smoothies and Shakes
Dentists suggest smoothies after a dental crown. Shakes can take the place of a smoothie if the patient does not like them. However, smoothies contain healing nutrients some shakes won’t offer.
That said, patients must not eat or drink anything too cold. That is why a smoothie is the best option. Another option would be a meal replacement shake left at room temperature.
Noodles and Pasta
The idea is to keep the food you consume from damaging the crown. That is why softer foods like noodles and pasta are best after getting a crown.
These types of food are also ideal because they will keep you full for longer. It is best not to expose the crown to the risk of damage. Eating filling foods will keep a patient from eating too often and using the tooth unnecessarily.
Jell-O and Pudding
Another excellent choice of foods to eat with a temporary or permanent crown is Jell-O or pudding. These foods will not damage the dental work and come in many flavors. That way, a patient does not get bored with eating the same thing.
Eggs and Dairy
Foods high in protein promote healing. Eggs and other dairy products are high in protein. These foods are often soft and thus reduce friction on the teeth.
Soups and Stews
While dentists suggest avoiding hot foods, soups and stews are other excellent options after this dental procedure. The patient needs to only ensure that the soup or stew has a moderate to warm temperature.
Also, there are many nutrients to gain from these food options. That is what makes them an acceptable food option. Plus, soups and stews can be prepared in many ways, improving meal options and tackling diet monotony.
Foods to Avoid After Getting a Crown
Proper care is necessary to ensure the crown sets and can function as a normal tooth. For that reason, there are certain foods to avoid with a tooth crown.
Patients should avoid the below foods for at least one to two weeks after getting a dental crown.
Cold Foods and Ice
Although dentists recommend drink shakes to dental patients, this does not include frozen milkshakes. People should avoid cold foods and frozen desserts after getting a tooth crown. These are both damaging and uncomfortable.
Teeth are usually sensitive after most dental procedures. Therefore, avoiding cold foods is more about comfort than the risk of crown damage. Although, ice is very damaging because it is hard and cold.
Hard Fruits and Veggies
To avoid tooth pain after a dental crown, avoid eating hard fruits or vegetables. These foods are damaging to the newly placed crown. It is best to cook vegetables until they are soft and avoid crunchy fruits.
Nuts and Grains
Foods such as nuts and grains are hard and gritty and thus damaging. Patients must ensure that the tooth crown has completely bonded before eating these types of food.
Grains have small particles that could get under the crown and cause further tooth decay. People must avoid these foods completely if they have a temporary crown.
Chewy and Hard Candy
Dentists generally recommend avoiding candy, even patients with no oral concerns. Yet, after a dental crown, patients should especially avoid hard and chewy candies.
They should also avoid gum for several days. Sticky candies are also damaging to crowns. This is especially true if the crown is temporary.
Dried Fruits and Raisins
These foods are healthy and promote healing. However, dentists do not recommend them after dental crown placement. They get stuck in the teeth. Patients must avoid these food items for at least a month after this procedure.
Frequently Asked Questions
After getting a dental crown, patients often forget to ask critical questions before leaving the dental office as they are eager to leave. (Besides, approximately 25% of the population fears going to the dentist.)
They risk not asking essential questions in their haste. Here are a few frequently asked questions about tooth crowns.
Can a crown be repaired if damaged after eating?
Yes. Depending on the cause, most crowns are repairable. However, if there is significant damage to the tooth, it may need to be removed. In most cases, the patient will seek an implant requiring a bone graph.
How long after a crown can you eat?
It is best to wait at least 30 to 45 minutes. However, most dentists recommend waiting as long as possible before eating and drinking after a crown placement.
Can you bite with front crowns?
Patients must avoid using their temporary crown as often as possible. Therefore, they should avoid biting into food before their permanent crown sets. Once this occurs, patients can bite and chew as they normally would.
Can you drink coffee with a temporary crown?
Yes. The only time to avoid coffee is if the temperature of the beverage causes sensitivity. Coffee is acidic, however. Therefore, patients should brush their teeth after consuming their favorite coffee drink.
Does it hurt to eat after getting a crown?
Eating approved foods after this dental procedure does not hurt the tooth crown. Patients should eat only what does not lead to pain or discomfort.
What to do if you experience pain after getting a crown?
For moderate pain or discomfort, patients should evaluate what could be causing them pain. If there is an external reason, patients must avoid this cause. If the cause is internal, they should call their dentist and discuss the situation with them.
Regardless of the cause, if the pain is severe, patients should contact their dentist immediately. Something may have gone wrong. Early detection of issues results in a better outcome.
When can you eat normally again after a dental crown?
A patient can resume their regular diet two to four weeks after a cemented permanent crown. That is only if there have been no complications and the patient heals properly.
Overall Oral Care After Getting a Tooth Crown
In general, an oral care process includes cleaning the teeth, brushing them, and keeping them clean. A post-operative gum treatment includes cleaning the gums of the teeth and maintaining the health of the gums.
More than 50% of the population suffers from gum disease. The causes vary. However, proper oral hygiene will limit the necessity of a dental crown.
Once a patient requires a crown, oral hygiene is increasingly more vital. Patients must be careful the first few times they brush after a procedure as vigorous brushing will damage the crown.
After a dental crown placement, brushing after a patient eats is necessary to keep food from affecting the crown as it sets. That is one of the best ways to ensure proper overall oral care after getting a tooth crown.